Why Pathfinder?

Your student finally made it. They worked hard, got accepted to college, and now they are off to chart a new educational journey. Now what?

College is the thing you and your student has worked toward their entire academic career. It’s supposed one of a young person’s most powerful and enriching experiences. But for many students and their families, it isn’t.

Students fail to thrive in college for one reason. They enter a new environment filled with unfamiliar learning expectations, new social-emotional pressures, and an overwhelming number of choices while, at the very same time, leaving behind the family support structure that helped get them there. And now they are faced with learning and navigating an entirely new academic and social culture with little personalized support.

Parents often struggle as much as their students. They want to advocate and support their student, while also helping them navigate their growing independence. Also, college isn’t what it used to be. Not only have the rules changed, but colleges have become overly complex systems that look nothing like they experienced. Students may get access to an overburdened advisor once a semester, but for parents colleges offer no support at all.

I started Pathfinder College Coaching because I want students and their parents to have a transformative college experience. But I also know getting there requires personalized support.

Pathfinder is different in approach and experience. I use a learner-centered coaching framework tailored to each student and family’s unique needs and institutional contexts. My goal is to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to claim the college experience as your own. And unlike other college coaching services, I am a veteran faculty member and national leader in undergraduate student success. When you work with Pathfinder, you get direct access to an industry insider who can help you decode the institution and unlock its potential.

College can be a transformational experience. Let’s chart the course together.
