Landing The Perfect Internship

Internships are invaluable for gaining real-world experience and landing your first job after college. However, figuring out where to find positions and how to secure competitive spots is often extremely overwhelming for students. With confusing timelines and countless companies to consider, just determining where to start can feel paralyzing.

In my experience, one of the biggest mistakes students make is only applying to the same 50 Fortune 500 companies as everyone else. But lesser-known small and mid-sized companies often provide richer hands-on experiences where you take on more responsibility and get face time with executives. Here are ways to uncover amazing off-the-radar internships:

Mine Your Network

Scan LinkedIn to see where your friends, classmates, family members, professors, etc work. Follow those companies and turn on notifications for new openings. Reach out to acquaintances who interned there to get the inside scoop. You’d be surprised what hidden gems you unravel within your existing network, since so many opportunities come from personal referrals.

Keep An Open Mind

Rather than fixating on certain big brand companies, make a running list of any organizations doing work you admire – whether a scrappy startup, medium-sized technology firm, boutique law office, research lab, or nonprofit. Subscribe to their website or follow their LinkedIn page to catch internship postings. Even if an opening isn’t publicly advertised, many smaller companies still bring on interns if you demonstrate interest and convince them why hiring you would be mutually beneficial.

Research Organizations Supporting Underserved Groups

Apply to internship programs specifically assisting communities like first-generation students, minorities, women, veterans, and people with disabilities. Because competition is lower, you have a higher chance of admission. These programs often place students at reputable companies seeking to diversify their workforce.

Building Connections Now For Future Opportunities

The earlier you start networking, the more leads you’ll have when internship hunting gets serious. Here are ways to foster relationships:

Connect on LinkedIn

Search for all the people and companies you may want to intern for one day. Send them a simple request mentioning you admiring their mission and are interested in opportunities. Follow company pages to see new hires and interns. Take informational interviews to pick their brains. These contacts often refer students they click with.

Attend Industry Events

Find out what professional associations, conferences, seminars, and events relate to your interests. Attend free public ones, volunteer to get into exclusive ones, or request discounted student tickets. Show up, ask thoughtful questions, and make genuine connections. Exchanging business cards today may support your future internship search.

Leverage Campus Resources

Take full advantage of career centers, professors, academic mentors, clubs, pipelines into major corporations, and alumni networks. Let them review your materials, practice interviewing, explore ideas, or get introduced to contacts. The more people guiding you, the better.

Rather than focusing narrowly over the same competitive openings as everyone else, uncover hidden gem opportunities through actively nurturing relationships in your industry and leveraging campus resources. This will set you up for future wins when seeking additional internships or full-time jobs. The process can be exhausting, but don’t lose hope! Maintain momentum by regularly researching, connecting and applying. With hard work and a bit of luck, you will absolutely land a meaningful internship!

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